5 questions to ... Aishah-Nyeta Brown

from AISHAH-NYETA BROWN and FRANZISKA WAGNER, contributed on 30.10.2023

We asked Social Media Manager of Good Energy, climate activist and Gen Z climate Advisor @ Climate Mental Health Network Aishah-Nyeta Brown about her work and her views on the pandemic and inclusivity. In this video she talks about the art of storytelling and how to use social media in that case to help reaching out to people and the importance of welcoming spaces.
Thank you for the interview!
The video was produced as part of the project "DuPa - Dual Mode Participation: Window of Opportunity for Inclusive Real-World Labs" by the Karlsruhe Transformation Centre for Sustainability and Cultural Change based at ITAS.
Further contributions from the Window of Opportunity can be found here: https://www.reallabor-netzwerk.de/moeglichkeitsfenster.php